Abstract submission is now closed for the Week of Microbial Technologies, which will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 7 – 11 November 2022.
📢 Call for Abstracts Opens: 4 October 2022
⏳ Abstract Submission Deadline: LAST DATE: 2 November 2022
📝 Deadline for registration: 2 November 2022
🗣️ Participants will have to give a 3-minute oral presentation on the poster: 8 November 2022
Submissions are invited on any scientific topic relevant to the week themes:
Biofilm formation, environmental microbiology, nanomaterials toxicology, pollutants toxicology, antimicrobial activity, cell-surface interaction, cell-cell interactions and industrial microbiology.
Review criteria include scientific fit and relevance as well as novelty and originality for a global audience. Equality, diversity and inclusion criteria will also be used, and therefore this information is captured during the submission.
Language is English.
Length: 2 pages maximum (A4 format).
Page margins: top- 1’ bottom- 1’ left- 1’, right- 1’.
The manuscript must be typed with a space of 1, using font Calibri.
The title line is Calibri 14 pt bold and centred.
Author-lines are 11 pt, normal and centred. Presenting author is underlined.
Abstract text is 11 pt, normal and justified.
References are 10 pt, normal and left. Format: APA.
For formulas or other denotations use “subscript” – H2O.
Abstract could be structured in 6 parts: Introduction, State of the art, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References.
After acceptance of the abstract, the participant will be asked to produce a hardcopy poster for display at the sesssion.
Guidelines for producing the poster:
Poster size is A0. Vertical orientation.
Ensure any text is in large font.
Make sure to incorporate the right logos (institution, project...).
Use graphs, charts, and/or tables.
Ensure contents have a logical flow.
Make it visually appealing.